eight port RS-232/422/485 serial communication card


  • Eight port Universal PCI serial communication card
  • Supports field selectable RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 (2-wire and 4-wire) protocols
  • Includes type 16L788 octal UART with 64-Byte FIFO buffers in all modes
  • Speeds up to 921Kbps
  • Meets MD2 Low Profile PCI Bus Specification
  • Universal PCI, PCI-X, 3.3V and 5V compatible
  • Includes cable (no external breakout box required)
  • RS-232 only versions also available

Low Profile Eight-port asynchronous RS-232 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-232 protocol under all OS at baud rates up to 115.6Kbps

Ordering Guide
LPCI-COM232-8Eight port RS-232/422/485 serial communication card

44200 Christy Street,
Fremont, CA 94538 USA
+1 510-403-3399