USB 8 Channel Analog Output Module


  • High-speed USB 2.0 device
  • Up to 125K conversions per DAC per second
  • Streaming waveform data at over 400,000 DAC outputs per second total
  • 128K Sample buffer on-board, or Infinitely long streaming waveforms
  • Buffered waveforms at up to 1 million DAC conversions per second total ILDA compatible
  • Small, portable 8-channel, 12-bit, digital to analog outputs
  • Double-buffered allowing simultaneous update of all DACs
  • Analog output ranges of 0-2.5V, 0-5V, 0-10V, ?.5V, ?V, ?0V
  • Single-ended and differential outputs on separate connectors
  • PC/104 module size and mounting compatibility
  • Rugged small-sized (4" x 4" x 1.25") steel enclosure

USB 2.0 16-chl 16-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs

Ordering Guide
USB-DA12-8AUSB 8 Channel Analog Output Module

44200 Christy Street,
Fremont, CA 94538 USA
+1 510-403-3399